Human Resources Development In Nigeria: The Roadmap For Vision 20:2020


  • T. S. Gyang Department of Educational Foundations Faculty of Education University of Jos Jos, Plateau State, Nigeria


Human Resource, Development, Wealth creation, Poverty reduction and Vision 20:2020


The paper examined Nigeria's effort towards the development of its human
resources to realize the achievement of vision 20:2020. It was noted that Nigeria focused on use of education as a yardstick to the development of its citizenry. Hence, series of educational reforms were made to uplift the standard of education in order to produce skilful manpower that will fit into the labour market, to grow the economy of the nation. Efforts made seem to have been affected by numerous challenges that the educational system has not really realized its intended objectives in terms of developing its skilful manpower. In an attempt to develop the wealth of the nation, a giant stride was the introduction of vision 20:2020. Thus, vision 20:2020 for Nigeria is seen as a mark and effort to become a wealthy nation among the top 20 economies of the world in the year 2020. Perhaps, an effective sectoral manpower development and utilization planning cycle might be a panacea to human resource development strategies for effective development of the nation. This will reflect attempts to eradicate poverty and develop wealth
creation where employment opportunities might be available for its educated
manpower to grow its economy. Recommendations were made on how to improve efforts made for realizing vision 20:2020. One of the recommendations is that government should develop and improve the quality of education in order to produce skilful manpower that will fit into the labour market to raise the economy of the nation.




How to Cite

Gyang, T. S. (2011). Human Resources Development In Nigeria: The Roadmap For Vision 20:2020. International Journal of Economic Development Research and Investment (IJEDRI), 2(1), 70–79. Retrieved from


