Tourism Development And Promotion In Nigeria: Grassroots Responses On Imoleboja Rockshelter


  • O. Ajayi Department of Leisure and Tourism Management Federal College of Wildlife Management, New Bussa, Niger State, Nigeria
  • M. O. Lawal Department of Leisure and Tourism Management Federal College of Wildlife Management, New Bussa, Niger State, Nigeria


Rockshelter, grassroots, tourism development and promotion, local government, patronage


This study explored the developmental processes within tourism industry
particularly the issues pertaining to tourist attractions in the rural areas. Special focus was given to the role of stakeholders at the local level particularly the attitudes of political functionaries at the Local Government towards development of diverse natural attractions within their domains. Imoleboja Rockshelter in Odo Owa community of Kwara State was given special attention. Qualitative method was employed in this study. 25 stakeholders within the state and the concerned Local Government areas were purposively sampled. The findings revealed that the existence of tourist attractions in the localities influenced respondents' perception of hotel and its services. Therefore the State Tourism Board should be mandated to initiate a development plan on tourism that will take into consideration most of the attractions that are located in each state of the federation.




How to Cite

Ajayi, O., & Lawal, M. O. (2010). Tourism Development And Promotion In Nigeria: Grassroots Responses On Imoleboja Rockshelter. International Journal of Creativity and Technical Development (IJCTD), 2(1-3), 19–33. Retrieved from


