Urhobo And English On The Path Of Modernization In Nigeria


  • Igho J. Onose Department of English and Literary Studies, Delta State University Abraka, Delta State, Nigeria


Urhobo, english, modernization, superimposed


This paper examined rather diachronically the development of the
Urhobo language and especially the English language, which became
superimposed on the local languages as the language of inter-ethnic,
official and international communication. The paper using the English
language as a springboard took a look at the changes which the Urhobo
language has undergone especially in the area of word formation under
the combined influences of neighbouring languages and English. The
English language itself is viewed from the same perspective against
the background of the domineering influences of Latin and French.
The modernization of English today owes much to borrowed words
from Latin and French. The Urhobo language however unlike English
is still far off from modernization because of the dearth of linguists
from the language area and the fact that much linguistic work is yet to
be done on the language itself.




How to Cite

Onose, I. J. (2009). Urhobo And English On The Path Of Modernization In Nigeria. International Journal of Creativity and Technical Development (IJCTD), 1(1-3), 139–152. Retrieved from https://icidr.org.ng/index.php/Ijctd/article/view/697


