Effective Planning And Techniques Of Successful Negotiation And Purchasing In An Organisation


  • Bitrus F. Kwajaffa Department of Business Management Mai Idriss Alooma Polytechnic,Geidam,Yobe State, Nigeria
  • Mohammed A. Audu Department of Business Management University of Maiduguri, Maiduguri, Borno State, Nigeria
  • Hauwa A. Yamta Department of Business Management University of Maiduguri, Maiduguri, Borno State, Nigeria


Planning and techniques, negotiation, purchasing, organisation


This study was carried out to examine negotiation between the
purchaser and supplier in an organisation. It discussed the meaning
of negotiation, the objectives of negotiation, the topics for negotiation,
the points a purchaser needs to consider when planning for negotiation
and the important techniques of negotiation. The study concluded that
negotiation is a give and take process and it is important that each
party should not expect to prevail on all issues; that taking short-cuts
when planning for negotiation can have a disastrous effects on the
organisation and that the use of appropriate negotiation techniques
will assist a professional buyer to achieve success in negotiation.




How to Cite

Kwajaffa, B. F., Audu, M. A., & Yamta, H. A. (2009). Effective Planning And Techniques Of Successful Negotiation And Purchasing In An Organisation. International Journal of Creativity and Technical Development (IJCTD), 1(1-3), 92–105. Retrieved from https://icidr.org.ng/index.php/Ijctd/article/view/689


