A Stylistico-Semantic Analysis of Bolu Babalola's Love in Colour
Systemic Functional Grammar, love in colour, Random sampling method, peculiar coinagesAbstract
This review of the stylistico-semantic analysis of Bolu Babalola's Love in Colour examines the concept of Style and how Bolu Babalola used his style to advance the passage of his message to his audience. Put simply, the work examines the stylistic and Semantic components that are inherent in the text selected for the study and to assess how some stylistic features has facilitated the understanding of the text. Michael Halliday’s Systemic Functional Grammar was chosen as the theoretical framework. The study used the simple random sampling technique to select relevant data based on the content of the texts. The findings of this research are that the author has made optimum use of stylistic, semantic and other linguistic features to present her story and how the application of these elements has facilitated a better understanding of the text. The study concludes that adequate use of various linguistic devices have accelerated both thought and action through the utterances and peculiar style of the author.
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