Income Smoothing and Market Share Price of Listed Commercial Banks in Nigeria


  • Mary Victor Asuquo University of Uyo, Uyo Nigeria
  • Affiong Imaikop Ewang University of Uyo, Uyo Nigeria
  • Donatus Chukwuemeka Obialor University of Uyo, Uyo Nigeria


accrual income, discretionary income, income smoothing, market share


The study examined the effect of income smoothing on market share price of listed commercial banks in Nigeria. It adopted an ex-post facto and correlation designs. Hypotheses were tested and established using the ANOVA technique with the aid of SPSS version 25.0. The population was limited to 10 (ten) listed commercial banks on the Nigerian Exchange Group. The study collected data through secondary sources for a period of 5 years (2018-2022). The instrument is their audited annual financial statements. Income smoothing was measured using the accrual-based methods, while firm value was measured using share price. Findings showed that income smoothing (total accruals and discretionary income) has no significant effects on the market share price of the studied commercial banks in Nigeria. Hence, it was recommended that income smoothing in listed money deposit banks have no significant effect on the market share price of listed commercial banks in Nigeria.


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How to Cite

Asuquo, M. V., Ewang, A. I., & Obialor, D. C. (2024). Income Smoothing and Market Share Price of Listed Commercial Banks in Nigeria. International Journal of Accounting Intelligence (IJAI), 2(2), 57–74. Retrieved from