Vehicular Parking Imbroglio in Nigerian Cities: Ore Town as a Case in Point


  • E. Okoko Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria
  • S. O. Iji Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria
  • B. Solomon-Ayeh Building and Road Research Institute, Kumasi, Ghana.


parking, on-street, off-street, Ore, Nigeria


This paper reports the result of the research on on-street vehicular parking situation in Ore town, Nigeria. The study relied on the survey research technique to collect data on the geometric conditions of the major roads in Ore town, the existing on-street parking spaces and the parking
volumetric situation. The study revealed that parking problems in Ore were caused by a myriad of factors, exampli gratia, the poor physical condition of the major roads, proliferation of illegal on-street parking areas and poor parking control mechanism. The study also discovered
that the haphazard parking situation in the town was responsible for the incessant cases of traffic snarl and vehicular accidents. The study advanced some policy-oriented recommendations such as rehabilitation of roads, removal of structures located on the road shoulders, enforcement of minimum building setback bye-laws and the provision of off-street parking facilities at strategic
locations in the study area. Ultimately, the study recommended the formulation and implementation of efficacious traffic control legislation as well as the creation of off-street parking facilities in Ore town.


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How to Cite

Okoko, E., Iji, S. O., & Solomon-Ayeh, B. (2020). Vehicular Parking Imbroglio in Nigerian Cities: Ore Town as a Case in Point. African Journal of Construction Intelligence (AJCI) , 2(1), 1–15. Retrieved from


