Identification Of Landing Site Preference Of Fully-Fed Glossina Pallidipes And Glossina Morsitans (Diptera: Glossinidae)


  • Nyengerai, T. Department of Veterinary Services and Tsetse Control Ministry of Agriculture, Zimbabwe
  • Gori, E. Preclinical Veterinary studies Department, University of Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe
  • Mwandiringana, E. Preclinical Veterinary studies Department, University of Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe
  • Mushayi, W. Data Analyst, UNICEF 6 Fairbridge Avenue P.O. Box 1250 Belgravia, Harare, Zimbabwe
  • Nheta, B. Department of Veterinary Services and Tsetse Control Ministry of Agriculture, Zimbabwe


Landing preference, tsetse behaviour, Bioassays, insecticides, Glossina pallidipes (GP), Glossina Morsitans (GM), hand-nets, mortality


An experiment to identify landing sites of fully fed Glossina pallidipes and Glossina morsitans was set up at the end of the winter season in Zimbabwe at Rukomichi Research Station. Five experiments subjected to three treatments differing in duration of catch, interval of catch and landing position were performed. A mean catch of 13 was recorded for 15-minute interval catches on logs wrapped in black cloth for the same species. Site and treatment had a significant effect on mean catch levels for Glossina morsitans (LSD=0.0979) and Glossina pallidipes (LSD=0, 1409). The mean catch (1644) for both fully fed Glossina morsitans and Glossina pallidipes was highest for 15-minute interval catches on unwrapped upright logs. This was twice higher than the overall mean catch recorded for continuous catch on unwrapped upright logs indicating the repellent effect of man on Glossina morsitans and Glossina pallidipes. Unwrapped upright logs could alternatively be used to catch Glossina pallidipes and Glossina morsitans after feeding for the purpose of biological and chemical assays to determine the effectiveness of chemicals on trials. This could also avoid the rubbing effect on the animal body and hence eliminating contamination on the hand-nets



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How to Cite

T., N., E., G., E., M., W., M., & B., N. (2023). Identification Of Landing Site Preference Of Fully-Fed Glossina Pallidipes And Glossina Morsitans (Diptera: Glossinidae) . Journal of Environmental Issues and Agriculture in Developing Countries (JEIADC), 4(2), 43–55. Retrieved from


