The Use Of Organic Manure In The Management Of Plant- Parasitic Nematode In Nigeria


  • Maina, Y. T. Department of Crop Protection, Faculty of Agriculture University of Maiduguri, Maiduguri, Nigeria
  • Mohammed, F. K. Department of Crop Protection, Faculty of Agriculture University of Maiduguri, Maiduguri, Nigeria
  • Galadima, I. B. Department of Crop Protection, Faculty of Agriculture University of Maiduguri, Maiduguri, Nigeria


Organic manure, plant-parasitic nematode, pesticides, nematicidal properties


This review focused on the sophisticated methods of controlling nematodes that are out of reach of most farmers. The study which made use of secondary data, primarily evaluated the use of organic manure in the management of plantparasite nematode in nigeria. The effects of synthetic pesticides misuse around the world include costly environmental pollution and disruption of balance of nature in addition to their high cost and non availability. There is therefore the need to investigate methods which will maximize crops production under the prevailing farming systems suitable to local farmers. Several organic products have been shown to possess nematicidal properties and are available, inexpensive and economical methods of nematode management. As an alternative to chemical control, it has been shown that organic manure can release ammonia, phenols, azadirachtin, selannin, meliantriol and many other substances, which show nematicidal properties. The use of organic manure was found to be easy and economical in controlling plant-parasitic nematodes.



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How to Cite

T., M. Y., K., M. F., & B., G. I. (2023). The Use Of Organic Manure In The Management Of Plant- Parasitic Nematode In Nigeria . Journal of Environmental Issues and Agriculture in Developing Countries (JEIADC), 4(1), 54–64. Retrieved from


