Grasscutter (Thyonomys Swinderianus) Husbandry In Nigeria: A Review Of The Potentialities, Opportunities And Challenges


  • Owen, O. J. Department of Animal Science Rivers State University of Science and Technology, Port Harcourt, Nigeria
  • Dike, U. A. Department of Animal Science Rivers State University of Science and Technology, Port Harcourt, Nigeria


Biological values, grasscutter, Thryonomys swinderianus, animal protein, animal nutrition


Domestication of grasscutter is a relatively novel practice in Nigeria with its potentialities, challenges and opportunities. This study was a review of grasscutter husbandry in Nigeria. The major aim was to assess the potentialities, opportunities and challenges of this aspect of farming in Nigeria. As revealed by the study, the potentialities of grasscutter rearing are that grasscutter farming has social acceptability, good meat quality of high biological value (high protein and low fat), inexpensive feeds and amenability to captive rearing, good litter size and short generation interval. Despite the challenges of domestication of grasscutter, non-steady supply of the meat, air pollution and ecological devastation as a result of bush burning to hunt cane-rats and threat of extinction of grasscutter; the domestication and production of grasscutter is another dimension in the livestock industry that has the potential to ensure regular and sustainable animal production in the nation.



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How to Cite

J., O. O., & A., D. U. (2023). Grasscutter (Thyonomys Swinderianus) Husbandry In Nigeria: A Review Of The Potentialities, Opportunities And Challenges . Journal of Environmental Issues and Agriculture in Developing Countries (JEIADC), 4(1), 104–111. Retrieved from


