Assessment Of Clear Wash Bores As An Alternative Source Of Irrigation Water For Fadama Areas Of Kwara State, Nigeria


  • Musa, J. J. Department of Agricultural and Bioresources Engineering Federal University of Technology, Minna, Niger State, Nigeria
  • Ahaneku, I. E. Department of Agricultural and Bioresources Engineering Federal University of Technology, Minna, Niger State, Nigeria
  • Manta, I. National Center for Agricultural Mechanization Km 20, Ilorin-Omu-Aran Road, Nigeria
  • Anijofor, S. C. Department of Civil Engineering Federal Polytechnic, Birnin Kebbi, Kebbi State, Nigeria


Fadama, Groundwater, Irrigation, Recharge, Wash bore


This study adopted the experimental research design to find the alternative well designs and construction  methods for ground water abstraction from fadama aquifers were investigated. Test and analysis of results  for Soil particle Size distribution, infiltration; yield (pumping and recovery) textutre as well as recharge rates  were conducted. Results showed that effect of well diameter of 750mm (75cm) on recharge was very  minimal (11.15cm/hr). Permeability measurements of 9.74cm/hr indicated that surface water contributes  immensely in the recharge of the aquifer (Calculated transmissirity and storativity of 1265.09m3/day and  7.91x10-3 respectively). The results of the aquifer and the textural class of the Soil (silty-clay-loam) shows  yield potentials of the wash bore. Also, high variability in Soil Size fractions as revealed in the practical Size distribution analysis is an indication of likely variation in permeability and consequently, well recharge  within the fadama. The clear water wash bore is feasible in Gapkan Fadama area. 


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How to Cite

J., M. J., E., A. I., I., M., & C., A. S. (2023). Assessment Of Clear Wash Bores As An Alternative Source Of Irrigation Water For Fadama Areas Of Kwara State, Nigeria. International Journal Water and Soil Resources Research (IJWSRR), 3(1), 1–8. Retrieved from


