Emotional Intelligence and Psychological Wellbeing of Civil Servants in Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, Nigeria


  • Patrick Ochiche Olah Nigerian Educational Research and Development Council Lokoja, Kaduna Road, Sheda, P. M. B. 91, Abuja, Nigeria
  • Uduak James Utibe Department of Science Education Akwa Ibom State University Ikot Akpaden, Mkpat Enin, Nigeria


psychological wellbeing, prediction, Emotional intelligence


The study on emotional intelligence and psychological well-being of civil servants was conducted in Federal Capital Territory Abuja, Nigeria. It adopted an ex-post facto design. The populations comprised 49,704 Civil Servants from the 27 Ministries in the Federal Capital Territory. A sample of 354 Civil Servants was used for the study. The study was guided by two hypotheses formulated and tested at a 0.05 level of significance. Proportionate stratified random sampling technique was used to select the sample. An adopted scale titled ‘Emotional Intelligence and Psychological Wellbeing Questionnaire” (EIPWQ)’’ was used for data collection. Data were collected by the researchers with the help of research assistants. The data were analyzed using descriptive and Regression Statistics at p = 0.05 level of significance. The result revealed that emotional intelligence significantly predicts psychological wellbeing of civil servants and their gender in Abuja. Recommendations are Employers should be aware of their staff emotional intelligence as it relate to their psychological wellbeing, help their staff to manage their emotional intelligence and civil servants on their parts should use their emotions to motivate themselves. Conclusion, the study has shown that emotional intelligence predicts the psychological well-being of civil servants in Federal Capital Territory, Abuja.


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How to Cite

Olah, P. O., & Utibe, U. J. (2022). Emotional Intelligence and Psychological Wellbeing of Civil Servants in Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, Nigeria. Journal of Sociology, Psychology and Anthropology in Practice (JSPAP), 11(3), 55–67. Retrieved from http://icidr.org.ng/index.php/Jspap/article/view/1691


