Psychoactive Substance Abuse and Drug Control: Implications for Socio-economic Development in Nigeria
tramadol, codeine, socio-economic development, drug control, Psychoactive substance (drug) abuseAbstract
The study is on psychoactive substance abuse and abusive drug control in relation to socioeconomic development in Nigeria. The Biopsychosocial Model of Vulnerability to Substance Abuse was adopted as relevant framework and as instrument to explain plausible causes of drug abuse. And the case study design and conceptual (psycho-historical) analysis of data sourced from both secondary and tertiary research information sources were the methodical approach for this study. Using this method, the paper systematically established the causes, indirect and direct consequences of drug abuse on socio-economic development and the effectiveness of drug control in Nigeria. From the analysis, this study found that the abuse of new psychoactive substance including Tramadol, Codeine, (just like abuse of other dangerous drugs) was increasing among the youths. And that, the abuse of psychoactive substances are gateway to mental health problems/disorders, social vices and crimes, impairments of social and work-related functioning; which have implications for socio-economic development planning as well as national security of the country. Also, it was found that there is need to strengthen the drug-control capacity in Nigeria. Based on these findings, the study recommends that there should be a paradigm shift in drug abuse and courier control to include among other measures; considering full implementation of protocols/laws to achieve national collaborative involvement, internationally coordinated action and expansion of drug control networks across all local government areas with a view to achieving a drug-free Country/ Nigeria.
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