Efficacy of Token Economy -Technique in Reducing Lateness Behaviour among Primary School Pupils in Kaduna Metopolis, Nigeria
primary school pupils, gender, age, lateness, Token economyAbstract
This research is carried out using quasi-experimental research design involving pretest-posttest method. It investigates the effect of token economy on lateness among primary school pupils in Kaduna Metopolis, Kaduna State, Nigeria. The population of the study involves all the primary school pupils in the 282 private primary schools in Kaduna metropolis. The sample of this study consists of 30 primary school pupils of Damtek International School U/Baro, Kaduna. Purposive sampling technique is used in the selection of those with the highest number of lateness from the class attendance register. The participants are both male and female pupils. The 30 pupils were exposed to the experiment. Simple percentage, mean and standard deviation and t-test were used to analyse the data. Findings reveal among others that total days present has significantly increased as a result of the application of the effect of token economy technique on school lateness. Their mean total days present were 23.03 and 14.73 in their after and before being exposed to the token economy technique. Based on this and many more, it is recommended that school psychologist, counsellors, teachers, and head teachers should be exposed to training in the use of token economy technique in reducing lateness among primary school pupils irrespective of age and gender differences.
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