Occupational Stress, Perceived Fairness and Organizational Citizenship Behaviour among Bank Workers in Makurdi, Benue State, Nigeria


  • K. M. Ngbea Department of Psychology, Benue State University Makurdi, Benue State Nigeria
  • J. M. Uwouku Department of Psychology, College of Education Katsina- Ala, Benue State, Nigeria.
  • P. Atsehe Department of Psychology, Benue State University Makurdi, Benue State Nigeria


bank workers, organizational citizenship, perceived fairness, Occupational stress


This study examines the nexus between occupational stress, perceived fairness and organizational citizenship behaviour among bank workers in Nigeria. A survey research design is employed for this study. The participants include 198 bank employees from selected banks within Makurdi metropolis. Instrument for data collection is self designed questionnaire. Two research hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. The findings reveal that employees with high perception of occupational stress differ significantly from their counterparts with acceptance of both hypotheses respectively. The study opines that organizations that seek to promote appropriate organizational citizenship behaviour must be concerned about employee’s justice and reduction of stress in order to forestall organizational ineffectiveness.


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How to Cite

Ngbea, K. M., Uwouku, J. M., & Atsehe, P. (2015). Occupational Stress, Perceived Fairness and Organizational Citizenship Behaviour among Bank Workers in Makurdi, Benue State, Nigeria. Journal of Sociology, Psychology and Anthropology in Practice (JSPAP), 7(3), 1–12. Retrieved from http://icidr.org.ng/index.php/Jspap/article/view/1659


