Attitude of Market Woman towards Weekly Environmental Sanitation Exercise in Bodija Market in Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria


  • Adedeji K. B. Ibrahim Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Lagos State Polytechnic, Ikorodu, Nigeria.


Environmental Sanitation, Bodija Market, Attitude


Waste management in developing countries has assumed the scale of a major social and environmental challenge. However, developing countries like Nigeria have a chronic waste management problem. Poor management of both liquid and solid waste in market has resulted in health hazards and environmental disaster due to contamination by vermin. This study examine attitude of market woman towards weekly environmental sanitation exercise in Bodija market, Ibadan, Nigeria. The study adopted a quantitative approach for the analysis of samples from the case study area, and questionnaire survey as key methods for data generation. The Analysis of result reveals poor level of participation 13.4%, longer distance of waste bin to shops (49.4%), inadequate checking and monitoring by health officer and sanitation workers, inconsistency and inefficiency of the private collection agents and lack of funds on the part of the waste management authority has led to this practise. The inferential statistics (discriminant analysis) shows that there is significant relationship between the amount pay for PSP, distance to shop and number of shop. The study recommends the needs to reinstituted and empowered sanitation tribunals for environmental sanitation offenders and the need to embark on public enlightenment/ education in order to change the attitude of market woman towards the exercise.


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How to Cite

Ibrahim, A. K. B. (2015). Attitude of Market Woman towards Weekly Environmental Sanitation Exercise in Bodija Market in Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria. Journal of Sociology, Psychology and Anthropology in Practice (JSPAP), 7(1), 57–62. Retrieved from


