Implications of Ethnic and Religious Conflicts on Northern Nigeria Christians with Focus on Pastoral Care


  • Dominic Oliagba Department of Educational Psychology and Counselling Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria


Pastoral Care and Christians, conflict, Religious, Ethnic


This study examines the implications of ethnic and religious conflicts on Northern Christians. The aim focuses on pastoral care. Qualitative data gotten from the secondary source were used to back up the study. Findings from the study reveal that there is actually nothing wrong with conflict; no society that seeks to develop can absolutely do without it. What is often questioned is how man responds to conflict. A poorly handled conflict persists for too long a period of time and seems to defy easy solution. The priests must be sensitive to conflict indicators. There are always signs of conflict before it starts. So we must be observant and take appropriate actions before it happens. The priest must open communication channels as a guide to control misconception and misinterpretation of intention of either party among others were made.


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How to Cite

Oliagba, D. (2013). Implications of Ethnic and Religious Conflicts on Northern Nigeria Christians with Focus on Pastoral Care. Journal of Sociology, Psychology and Anthropology in Practice (JSPAP), 5(3), 53–60. Retrieved from


