The Interaction of Nature and Nurture and their Influence as Mechanisms of Change in Human Development


  • O. E. Afolabi Department of Clinical Psychology Atlantic International University Honolulu – Hawaii, United States of America


human development, attitude, genetic, personality, nurture, nature, Environment


There has been a vigorous debate in recent time, about heredity versus environment and how they coalesce to create personalities, behaviours, and psychopathology that appeared unique to each person and influenced their developmental process. This study uses different methodological approaches to lifespan development to measure and analyze the interplay of genes and environments on human behaviour and underline how the interaction contributes to behavioural changes and continuity. The study focuses on the interaction between heritable and ecological factors in the path of behavioural growth and patently recognize etiological mechanism that supports the assumption that a particular hereditary or environmental condition ultimately lead to behavioural features and changes during development. The study used the accessible materials on lifespan development to understand the continuous source of person uniqueness in personality development. Finally, citing evidence from various multidisciplinary studies, the article concludes that shared environment significantly influences human behaviour but decline with age and that the strong interaction between the two factors formed the basis of who we are and how we behave.


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How to Cite

Afolabi, O. E. (2013). The Interaction of Nature and Nurture and their Influence as Mechanisms of Change in Human Development. Journal of Sociology, Psychology and Anthropology in Practice (JSPAP), 5(2), 41–67. Retrieved from


