The Application of Conscious Moral Disposition to Enhance Environmental Sustainability in Nigeria
Environmental Sustainability, Morality, Humanity, Ecological DevelopmentAbstract
In this paper, we examine the conceptual understanding of Environmental Sustainability as it relates to human morality to maintain normal working of the ecosystem. The ecosystem is life itself, when it is busy by acts of indiscriminate human relationship with it especially, the whole natural arrangement will have to fall sick, then humanity will be very sick along side it. Then, there is a call to embrace and employ proper social and moral links between the conceptual consideration of humanity and/with the ecology. The latter houses the former, the former is met to promote and protect the latter. The whole cosmic systematic arrangement of natural events demands that human species and non-human species should be protected from avert environmental conditions which are detrimental to healthy living. This paper advocates that there is an urgent call for the respect of human rights and social justice via the adoption of moral and cultural principles as humanity relates with nature that is belong to everywhere, and this will engender a healthy environmental habitation which is the quest of any reasonable human being.
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