Modernization Of The Family Support System (Fss) And The Social Needs Of The Elderly (Sne): The Case Of Botswana


  • Kgosietsile Maripe Social work Department University of Botswana, Gaborone, Botswana


policies, Botswana, elderly, Social needs


This article examines the social needs of the elderly in Botswana and how they are addressed at the different levels. It seeks to identify available national, regional and international strategies and policies promoting elderly care and efforts of incorporation in the development of the country. These policies and strategies were assessed to determine how they promote the involvement of the elderly at the community and national level. The literature shows that the numbers of the elderly in the country will increase to over 250,000 by 2011 and characterised by more women than men. This population is and will be confined to rural areas where livelihoods are predominantly subsistence agriculture and burdened with care for orphans. Besides, they are no longer considered productive citizens and their contribution to the economic development is relegated to the pit. It is quite recent that the Governments is becoming conscious of their social needs and increasingly trying to re-instill respect and care for the elderly in the society. Therefore, it is intention of this paper to assess the demographic structure of the elderly population, the impact of modernization of the family support system, and suggest how the elderly could continue to contribute meaningfully in the economic development of the nation and community. 


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How to Cite

Maripe, K. (2010). Modernization Of The Family Support System (Fss) And The Social Needs Of The Elderly (Sne): The Case Of Botswana . Journal of Sociology, Psychology and Anthropology in Practice (JSPAP), 2(1-3), 86–95. Retrieved from


