Knowledge Of Nutritional Influences In Prevention Of Diabetes Among Adults In Owerri Municipality Of Imo State, Nigeria


  • Meg A. Ewuzie Department of Physical and Health Education Alvan Ikoku Federal College of Education, Owerri, Imo State
  • A. Ibhafidon Department of Physical and Health Education Alvan Ikoku Federal College of Education, Owerri, Imo State


adults, diabetes, knowledge, prevention, Nutritional influence


The study focused on knowledge of nutritional influences in prevention of diabetes among adults in Owerri Municipality. Three hundred adults from Owerri Municipal served as sample for the study. Self developed validated questionnaire with 0.81 reliability was the instrument for the study and the data was analyzed with percentage and chi-square ) 2 (χ . The result of the study showed that knowledge of nutritional influences in diabetes prevention differs significantly among male and female adults in Owerri Municipality. There was also a significance difference in knowledge of nutritional influences in prevention of diabetes among male and female adults of different ages and educational qualifications in Owerri municipal. Part of the recommendations was that, the Ministry of Education should introduce nutrition education in primary, secondary and tertiary schools through well planned curriculum. Also, ministry of health through print and mass media should educate the masses on nutritional influences in diabetes and other diseases prevention.


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How to Cite

Ewuzie, M. A., & Ibhafidon, A. (2010). Knowledge Of Nutritional Influences In Prevention Of Diabetes Among Adults In Owerri Municipality Of Imo State, Nigeria . Journal of Sociology, Psychology and Anthropology in Practice (JSPAP), 2(1-3), 75–81. Retrieved from


