Effect of Improvised Aquarium on Academic Achievement in Biology among Senior Secondary School Students in Abak Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom State
Biology and Aquatic habitat, Academic Achievement, Improvised AquariumAbstract
A quasi-experimental study was conducted in Abak Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom State. The
aim was to examine the effect of improvised aquarium on senior secondary school students’
achievement. The non-randomized pre-test post-test control group design was adopted. The
instrument for data was “Biology Achievement Tests” (BATs). The instrument was face and content
validated by three experts from the Akwa Ibom State University. The reliability of the instrument
using Kuder-Richardson formula-20 (K-R 20) was 0.83. The instrument was administered on one
hundred and seventy-eight senior secondary one (SS1) Biology students selected through stratified
random sampling technique from four of 11 public secondary schools in the area. Two schools were
randomly assigned to improvised aquarium treatment group and two to stream treatment group.
The data were analysed using mean and standard deviation, while hypotheses were tested at a 0.05
level of significance using ANCOVA. Findings encompassed that with the use of improvised aquarium,
students’ achievement was better than those taught without. Consequently, improvised aquarium
facilitated students’ academic achievement in Biology.
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