Attitudes of Faculty Members at Taiz University towards the Use of Digital Repositories on the Internet
Taiz University, Faculty Members, Digital RepositoriesAbstract
The study examines the attitudes of faculty members at Taiz University toward utilizing Digital
Repositories on the Internet. On the basis of a qualitative survey and a case study model and a
questionnaire and interview are adopted for data collection. The population comprises all faculty
members at Taiz University. A sample of 314 academic staff was randomly selected for the study. The
results indicate that 53.5% of the participants had an academic specialization in Social or Human
Sciences, while 46.5% had Applied Science. Almost all participants had good background knowledge
about Digital Repositories. There is an agreement among the study target and the Statement of
Teaching Members at Taiz University towards the Use of Digital Repositories on the internet. The
study recommends, among others, enhanced skills of the faculty members at Taiz University to use
digital information and Digital Repositories.
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