Classroom Misbehavior and Scholastic Performance in Domains of Early Childhood Development of Kindergarten Pupils in Santa Ignacia North District, Tarlac, Philippines


  • Rene G. Nanit College of Education, Tarlac Agricultural University, Camiling, Tarlac, Philippines


scholastic performance, kindergarten pupils, Domains of Early Childhood Development, Classroom Misbehavior


This study analyzes classroom misbehavior and scholastic performance in Domains of Early
Childhood Development of kindergarten pupils in Santa Ignacia North District, Santa Ignacia,
Tarlac, Philippines. A sample of 189 kindergarten pupils is selected during the school year
2015-2016 for the study. The study adopts descriptive-correlational design. The kindergarten
pupils’ classroom misbehavior is correlated with their scholastic performance in domains of
early childhood development. Statistical results reveal that while seeking attention is the topmost
misbehavior of the pupils, speaking a profane language or inappropriate words are the least
committed misbehavior. It also reveals that aggression, running aimlessly around the classroom,
shouting inside the classroom, and temper tantrums are the misbehaviors that have a significant
negative relationship with the scholastic performance of the pupils. The overall scholastic
performance of the pupils in fine motor, receptive language, and cognitive domains is average.
Findings also reveal that they are slightly delayed in gross motor, self-help, expressive language,
and socio-emotional domains. Therefore, it is recommended among others that Kindergarten
teachers should also be provided with continual exposure and training on handling classroom
misbehaviors of kindergarten pupils in Santa Ignacia North District, Santa Ignacia, Tarlac,


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How to Cite

Nanit, R. G. (2020). Classroom Misbehavior and Scholastic Performance in Domains of Early Childhood Development of Kindergarten Pupils in Santa Ignacia North District, Tarlac, Philippines. Journal of Research in Education and Society (JRES) , 11(3), 109–126. Retrieved from


