Users’ Awareness and Utilization of Library Resources and Services in Nigeria: A Case Study of Delta State Library in Asaba


  • Chukwudi Alphonsus Aniogbolu Department of Library and Information Science, Delta State Polytechnic, Ogwashi –Uku, Nigeria
  • O. Mariam Okpousung-Nina Department of Library and Information Science, Delta State Polytechnic, Ogwashi –Uku, Nigeria


Information Literate Person, Users, Information Literacy, Library Use, Academic Libraries, Libraries, Information


This study evaluates users’ awareness and utilization of library resources and services in Public
libraries in Nigeria with a particular reference to the Delta State library, Asaba. It emphasizes
on the importance of library and information resources and services. The study employs the
descriptive survey design. A researcher structured questionnaire entitled “users’ awareness
and utilization of resources and services in libraries” (UAURSL) was distributed to a total of
two hundred (200) respondents. Data collected were analyzed using the simple percentage and
frequency counts. The findings revealed clearly that there is need for proper utilization of
resources and services in the library. The study therefore emphasized the need for proper and
adequate enlightenment of library users on accessibility of the available resources and services
in the library in order to ensure proper usage of the available resources and services in public
libraries. The study stresses the need to ensure adequate provision and utilization of resources
and services in libraries through proper awareness, availability and accessibility of these
resources and services.


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How to Cite

Aniogbolu, C. A., & Okpousung-Nina, O. M. (2020). Users’ Awareness and Utilization of Library Resources and Services in Nigeria: A Case Study of Delta State Library in Asaba. Journal of Research in Education and Society (JRES) , 11(3), 127–138. Retrieved from


