The Development of Mathematical Science and Application to Practical Human Needs


  • Thlawur Dunya Maritime Academy of Nigeria, Oron, Akwa Ibom State 


Recreation, Development, Application, Mathematics


This paper attempts to briefly review some aspects of the early development of mathematics in
response to practical human needs. The purpose is to clear some misconceptions about mathematics
and its roles in human progress. In the average, many people see mathematics as the game of
numbers associated with some magical arts or witchcraft manipulations and that the mathematician
can only teach. Others see it as an abstract subject which has little or no relevance to our everyday
life. Consequently, many, including students easily develop negative attitude towards the subject
which results to a lot of problems that affect the progress of the individual, family and the society at
large. It is therefore necessary, timely and important to get such impression corrected. In this
technology and information driven age, mathematics is the bedrock of all progress. Therefore our
youth, in particular need proper re-orientation on the role of mathematics. The paper attempted to
briefly demonstrate, theoretically that mathematics is a practical subject which evolved in response
to practical human needs.


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How to Cite

Dunya, T. (2020). The Development of Mathematical Science and Application to Practical Human Needs. Journal of Research in Education and Society (JRES) , 11(2), 115–132. Retrieved from




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