Perception of Teachers and Supervisors on English MM Publications Series for the Intermediate School in the Light of the Curriculum Document in the City of Riyadh, Saudi Arabia


  • Rashed Alabdulkareem King Saud University, Saudi Arabia
  • Ibtisam Bin-Nahth King Saud University, Saudi Arabia
  • Ebrahim Bamanger King Saud University, Saudi Arabia


quantitative, qualitative, compatibility, Curriculum, EFL


Evaluation tends to be vital in assessing the efficacy of school curricula. The current study was
conducted to identify the compatibility of the content of the developed curriculum of the English
Language for the intermediate level, MM Publications: Full Blast, with the Curriculum Document,
as perceived by language teachers and supervisors. Following a mixed method approach, the
analytical descriptive method was implemented to gather the participants’ views regarding the
new curriculum through the use of a developed questionnaire. In addition, qualitative data was
gathered via interviewing a sample of 30 teachers and 15 supervisors. The descriptive data showed
a high level of agreement regarding the compatibility of the content of the developed curriculum
with the Curriculum Document. However, the analysis of the interviews showed that teachers and
supervisors faced some problems when implemented the developed curriculum. Several
recommendations and research directions have been outlined based on the study findings.

Author Biography

Ebrahim Bamanger, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia



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How to Cite

Alabdulkareem, R., Bin-Nahth, I., & Bamanger, E. (2020). Perception of Teachers and Supervisors on English MM Publications Series for the Intermediate School in the Light of the Curriculum Document in the City of Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Journal of Research in Education and Society (JRES) , 11(2), 85–103. Retrieved from


