Improving Library Services through Effective Communication: The Case of Delta State Polytechnic Library, Ogwashi-Uku, Nigeria


  • Grace Anyaobi Librarian, Delta State Polytechnic, Ogwashi Uku, Nigeria.
  • Onyenwenu Chinwendu Librarian, Delta State Polytechnic
  • Ogonwa Isioma Librarian, Delta State Polytechnic


library staff, library materials, library services, Communication


This work examines the role of communication in improving library services in Delta State Polytechnic library, Ogwashi-Uku, Delta State. The study is a descriptive research. The population consists of 3,504 registered users and 50 library staff. From the target population, the sample size of 150 was randomly selected. 130 were library users while 20 were library staff. All members of staff completed and returned their questionnaire while 120 library users completed and returned theirs. Simple percentages were used to analyze the data collected. Major finding shows that communication channels in the library should be improved to enhance good communication between library staff and library users. This study concludes by advising Library management to make up-to-date materials available to library users and Internet facilities should be made available for effective communication.

Author Biography

Ogonwa Isioma, Librarian, Delta State Polytechnic




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How to Cite

Anyaobi, G., Chinwendu, O., & Isioma, O. (2016). Improving Library Services through Effective Communication: The Case of Delta State Polytechnic Library, Ogwashi-Uku, Nigeria. Journal of Research in Education and Society (JRES) , 7(2&3), 57–63. Retrieved from


