Universal Basic Education (UBE) and Effective Science Teaching Strategies in Kaduna State, Nigeria
ICT and UBE, StrategiesAbstract
The study focuses on the Universal Basic Education (UBE) and Effective Science
Teaching Strategies in Kaduna, State. A survey was conducted using 25 Junior
Secondary Schools in Zaria metropolis where 10 schools with 53 teachers were
randomly selected and used for the study. The instrument for data collection was
a questionnaire on the Strategies employ by Junior Secondary School Teachers
(UBE) teachers in Zaria Metropolis. The instrument was validated and pilot
tested with the reliability coefficient of r = 0.70. The instrument was administered
by the researcher. Data collected was analyzed using descriptive statistics. The
results indicate that 50% of the Junior Secondary School Teachers Start with
questions about nature of whatever subjects they were teaching. 25% only provide
historical perspective and 70% of the teachers supported the used of ICT in
teaching. Based on the results it was recommended that Government and NGO's
should encourage teachers to attend conferences and workshop and provide
ICT facilities for effective lesson delivery.
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