The Relative Effectiveness of Guided Discovery and Demonstration Teaching Methods on Achievement of Chemistry Students of Different levels of Scientific Literacy


  • J. B. Nbina Department of Curriculum Studies and Educational Technology University of Port Harcourt, Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria


scientific literacy, chemistry achievement, guided discovery,, teaching, Demonstration


The study was conducted to assess the relative effectiveness of guided discovery
and demonstration teaching methods on achievement of chemistry students of
different levels of scientific literacy. Two research questions and two null
hypotheses were formulated and tested respectively. Two instruments, namely:
Chemistry Achievement Test (CAT) and Scientific Literacy Test (SLT) were used
for data collection. A quasi-experimental design was adopted. Results indicate
that the guided discovery method was significantly superior to the demonstration
teaching method in enhancing cognitive achievement in chemistry for all levels
of scientific literacy students. For the guided discovery and demonstration
teaching methods, the higher the scientific literacy levels, the higher the
achievement of students in chemistry. It was recommended that: the government
should encourage science teachers to use guided discovery method by providing
needed conducive environment for teaching and learning with adequate
instructional materials; in service training of science teachers on how to use
guided discovery is needed since most of such innovative teaching method; and
science teachers should no longer be contented with teaching for acquisition of
knowledge alone but should also teach for inculcation of scientific literacy.


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How to Cite

Nbina, J. B. (2013). The Relative Effectiveness of Guided Discovery and Demonstration Teaching Methods on Achievement of Chemistry Students of Different levels of Scientific Literacy. Journal of Research in Education and Society (JRES) , 4(1), 1–8. Retrieved from


