Preparedness of Cataloguing Section for Library Automation in Academic Libraries in Lagos State, Nigeria


  • K. F. Yusuf The Library, Lagos State Polytechnic, Ikorodu, Nigeria


Library automation, Academic Libraries, Cataloguing


The survey examined the extent to which the Cataloguing sections of Academic
Libraries in Nigeria are prepared for automation of their operations. The effects
of automation on cataloguing practice in particular, as well as the problem of
Library automation systems were discussed. The study indicated that despite the
positive effects of automation on cataloging especially on efficiency and
effectiveness of their operations, there are still some problems associated with
automation of cataloguing section, which include attitudes of personnel
(Librarians and System Analyst/Programmers), poor planning, lack of enough
staff and facilities among others. Consequently, it was recommended among
others that management of academic institutions should collaborate with
appropriate agencies to provide necessary and relevant facilities such as inverters
to carter for the epileptic state of power supply in Nigeria.


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How to Cite

Yusuf, K. F. (2012). Preparedness of Cataloguing Section for Library Automation in Academic Libraries in Lagos State, Nigeria. Journal of Research in Education and Society (JRES) , 3(2), 119–125. Retrieved from


