Information And Communication Technology (Ict) Needs Of Secondary School Teachers In Delta State: A Case For Human Capital Development


  • Patrick Okoh Iyeke Institute of Education Delta State University, Abraka, Nigeria


ICT, Human Capital Development, Secondary school, Teachers


This study determined the ICT needs of secondary school teachers in Delta State.
The descriptive survey design was adopted. A total number of three hundred and
sixty four (364) teachers randomly selected from thirty five secondary schools
from the three (3) Senatorial Districts of Delta State were used for the study. A
self-constructed questionnaire "Information and Communication Needs of
Teachers' Questionnaire" (ICT-NOTQ) with a reliability index of 0.76 was used
to obtain data for the study. The t-test statistical analysis was used to analyze the
data collected and the results revealed that most teachers in Delta State have not
been adequately trained in the use of ICT in classroom. It was also discovered
that most schools in Delta State do not have computers for instructional purposes.
The schools are not also connected to the sources of power supply. In the light of
the above, it was recommended that the government should ensure the retraining
of all serving teachers to make them ICT compliant. Also adequate ICT facilities
should be provided in all the post-primary educational institutions.


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How to Cite

Iyeke, P. O. (2011). Information And Communication Technology (Ict) Needs Of Secondary School Teachers In Delta State: A Case For Human Capital Development. Journal of Research in Education and Society (JRES) , 2(2), 23–31. Retrieved from


