Influence Of Social Background On Motivation In Second Language Learning: The Case Study Of Two Secondary Schools In Port Harcourt Municipality, Nigeria
This study aimed at examining the influence of social background on motivation
in second language learning with special focus on two secondary schools, Akpor
Grammar School and the University of Port Harcourt Demonstration Secondary
School both in Port Harcourt municipality, Nigeria. The population used for this
study covers all the Senior Secondary Three (SS3) students of both Akpor Grammar
School and the University of Port Harcourt Demonstration Secondary School.
The selection of this sample population was by random. The research instrument
used for the generation of data was structuced questionnaire. Our findings indeed
reveal that motivation is very crucial in second language learning and that one's
social background plays a very significant role to enhance his motivation in
learning a second language. The Learning of a second language can be greatly
enhanced by the right and adequate kind of motivation and motivation itself can
be affected by factors such as age, personal interest, teaching method, learning
situation and availability of learning materials, status, sex, etc
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