The Status Of User Education At Federal College Of Education (Technical) Library, Omoku, Rivers State, Nigeria


  • Uwuma Sokari The Library, Rivers State University of Science and Technology Port Harcourt, Nigeria
  • Nonyelum P. Okpkwasili The Library, Rivers State University of Science and Technology Port Harcourt, Nigeria


Rivers State, Omoku, library, user education, Status


The study was conducted to examine the user education programme of Federal College of Education (Technical) Library, Omoku Rivers State. A total of two hundred staff and students of the institution were involved in the study. Stratified, proportionate, and simple random sampling techniques were used to determine the sample size of the respondents. Data collected for the study with the help of a structured questionnaire were analyzed using simple percentage. The result showed that the user education program adopted in the college library was effective and has helped benefiting students tremendously to explore and exploit the library resources independently and more effectively. However, it was showed that the user education approaches used was not all embracing as it caters for first year NCE students, 2nd year NCE students and 3rd year students alone, leaving the Pre-NCE students and staff unattended to. The study therefore, concluded that, in order to impact the desired skills to all categories of users, the user education approaches should be redesign to make it all embracing an d accommodate the interest of all members of the academic community which it serves.

Author Biography

Nonyelum P. Okpkwasili, The Library, Rivers State University of Science and Technology Port Harcourt, Nigeria


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How to Cite

Sokari, U., & Okpkwasili, N. P. (2011). The Status Of User Education At Federal College Of Education (Technical) Library, Omoku, Rivers State, Nigeria. Journal of Research in Education and Society (JRES) , 2(1), 1–6. Retrieved from


