Causal Factors of Low Level Reading Standards in the Foundation Phase among Primary School Learners in South Africa


  • Ndileleni Mudzielwana Department of Early Childhood Education University of Venda, Thohoyandou


causal factors, reading, ability, performance


Education experts and academics alike agree that the ability to read is
necessary for effective communication, solving of practical life problems,
and critical for the well being of an individual. The purpose of the current
study is to empirically investigate, evaluate and understand the factors
responsible for low level of reading standards in the foundation phase
among South African primary school learners. The study utilized a
combination of theoretical frameworks and qualitative techniques to
explore teachers' perception and understanding of causal factors related
to low level of reading standards. The findings of the study would identify
some of the key factors affecting low level of reading ability among learners and provide possible intervention strategies to address them.


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How to Cite

Mudzielwana, N. (2011). Causal Factors of Low Level Reading Standards in the Foundation Phase among Primary School Learners in South Africa. Journal of Research in Education and Society (JRES) , 2(1), 208–214. Retrieved from


