Modification and Evaluation of the Potential of Nigerian Bentonite Clays as Catalysts Support for Upgrading Heavy Crude Oil and Bitumen


  • Philip Shallsuku Department of Petroleum Chemistry, American University of Nigeria, Yola, Adamawa State – Nigeria


Bentonite clay, catalysts support, heavy crude oil, bitumen, upgrading, Asphaltene


In this work, bentonite clays obtained from north-eastern Nigeria were
acid-activated, which induced structural changes with the formation of
pore sizes classified according to the International Union for Pure and
Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) as macropores (50nm), Mesopores (2 to 50nm),
and micropores (up to 2nm). 3wt.% metal oxide nanoparticles were
supported on the mesoporous-macroporous bentonite, which contains 80-
97% montmorillonite by a modified incipient wetness impregnation method.
The catalytic performance was assessed in cracking of asphaltenes in heavy
crude oil and petroleum residue. Based on the result, it is reported that the
metal oxide nanoparticles catalysts were able to substantially reduce the
formation of coke and showed a better asphaltene conversion. Obviously,
due to the nature of the chemical bonding between the support and the
metal atoms, the electronic properties-and the reactivity-of the metal is
affected. For instance, acidity in the support is known to facilitate the
decomposition of asphaltenes but it will also promote cracking. In general,
a strong interaction between metal and support makes a catalyst more
resistant to sintering and coking, thus resulting in a longer time of catalyst
stability. Catalysts were characterized by chemical composition through
X-ray Fluorescence, surface area, and pore size distribution through N2
adsorption/desorption, catalyst acidity by temperature programmed
desorption (TPD), and metal dispersion by pulse H2
chemisorption. Batch
adsorption experiments and catalytic cracking of adsorbed heavy fractions
were carried out with heavy oil containing asphaltenes, resins and bitumen.
The bentonite clay studied here is a promising alternative support material
for catalyst preparation because, as a natural resource, it does not require
synthesis processes, which can be quite expensive. This work creates new
possibilities for the use of bentonite functionalized with metal oxide
nanoparticles as catalysts for upgrading heavy crude oils and bitumen.
The study also provides an insight into potential applications of
nanoparticles technology for heavy oil processing and production, which
could be a viable alternative green technology.

Author Biography

Philip Shallsuku, Department of Petroleum Chemistry, American University of Nigeria, Yola, Adamawa State – Nigeria



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How to Cite

Shallsuku, P. (2018). Modification and Evaluation of the Potential of Nigerian Bentonite Clays as Catalysts Support for Upgrading Heavy Crude Oil and Bitumen. Journal of Chemical, Mechanical and Engineering Practices (JCMEP), 7(1-3), 11–38. Retrieved from


