Some Applications of Partial Derivatives on Renewable Energy for Sustainable Development


  • E. S. Umoh Department, Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic, Ikot Osurua, Ikot Ekpene, Nigeria


Partial derivatives, renewable energy, applications, sustainable development


The theoretical study of curves and surfaces began more than two thousand
years ago when the Greek philosopher - mathematician explored the
properties of conic sections, helixes, spirals and surfaces of revolution
generated from them. While applications were not on their minds, many
practical consequences evolved. These included representation of the
elliptical paths of planets about the sun, employment of the focal properties
of paraboloids and use of the special properties of helixes to construct the
double helical model of DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid). The analytic tool for
studying functions of more than one variable is the partial derivative. Surfaces are a geometric starting point, since they are represented by functions of two independent variables; and in this context, the coordinate equations will be exhibited.


Ayres, F. (1999). Calculus (5th ed). Schaum's outline. New Delhi: Charles Wall

Mendelson, E. (2009). Calculus (5th ed). Schaum's outline. New Delhi: Charles Wall

Spiegel, M. (2010). Advanced calculus (3rd ed). Schaum's outline. New York: McGraw Hill

Wrede, R. (1963). Advanced calculus (1st ed). Schaum's outline. New York: McGraw Hill




How to Cite

Umoh, E. S. (2015). Some Applications of Partial Derivatives on Renewable Energy for Sustainable Development. Journal of Chemical, Mechanical and Engineering Practices (JCMEP), 5(1-3), 28–32. Retrieved from


