The Effect of Sand casting Process Parameters on the Fatigue Strength of Aluminium Silicon alloy using Taguchi Design and Genetic Algorithm


  • B. N. G. Aliemeke Department of Mechanical Engineering Technology, Auchi Polytechnic, Auchi, Edo State, Nigeria
  • O. G. Ehibor Department of Mechanical Engineering Technology, Auchi Polytechnic, Auchi, Edo State, Nigeria
  • V. E. Aideloje Department of Mechanical Engineering Technology, Auchi Polytechnic, Auchi, Edo State, Nigeria


Genetic Algorithm, Signal-to-noise ratio, and Taguchi Orthogonal array


Automobile parts are important in any technological sector. Aluminum
alloys reputed for lightness in weight and good conductivity are mostly
used in the production of pistons. The Design of Experiment employed in
the sand casting process is the Taguchi Orthogonal array method. It
provided a platform on which the various experimental conditions were
observed. Mathematical model was developed using Multiple Linear
Regression technique and ANOVA test was carried out to ascertain the
developed model adequacy. The model was adjudged adequate with an
adjusted R2 of 99.85%. Signal-to-noise ratio technique was used to
determine the optimal level of the sand casting process parameters which
are 7500 C, 5cm2 /s and 180mm2 for pouring temperature, pouring rate and
runner size respectively. Furthermore, the developed model was used as
objective function in the Genetic algorithm tool box and the result obtained
was in consonance with that obtained in Signal-to-noise ratio technique.
In confirmation of test carried out it was noticed that the actual
experimental values were similar to that predicted by the model.


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How to Cite

Aliemeke, B. N. G., Ehibor, O. G., & Aideloje, V. E. (2018). The Effect of Sand casting Process Parameters on the Fatigue Strength of Aluminium Silicon alloy using Taguchi Design and Genetic Algorithm. Journal of Chemical, Mechanical and Engineering Practices (JCMEP), 7(1-3), 39–49. Retrieved from


