Estimation of Outdoor Background Radiation Doses in Three Science Laboratories in the Niger Delta University, Bayelsa State


  • Godwin E. Ogobiri Niger Delta University, Bayelsa State
  • Ibuama E. Abule Niger Delta University, Bayelsa State
  • Keneke E. Dauseye Bayelsa Medical University, Bayelsa State


Radiation, Background Ionizing radiation, Dose rate, Dose Distribution, measurement


This work estimates the outdoor background radiation of three (Chemistry, Physics and Biology) laboratories in the Niger Delta University (NDU), Bayelsa State, Nigeria. A typical Radiation Monitoring Device - Radalert x 100 was used. The outdoor of the three laboratories were sectioned into seven different locations. The Background Ionizing Radiation (BIR) mean value of 0.009mSv/y was recorded in Physics laboratory, which has the lowest and 0.013mSv/y was recorded at Biology laboratory, which is the highest while Chemistry laboratory recorded 0.010mSv/y.  The mean Absorbed dose rate (AbD) of 0.077nGy/h was recorded in the outdoor of the Physics laboratory, which is the lowest and mean value of Absorbed dose rate (AbD) of 0.112nGy/h was recorded in Biology laboratory, which is the highest while chemistry laboratory recorded AbD mean value of 0.087nGy/h. A mean value of Annual Effective dose Equivalent (AEDE) rate of 0.118mSv/y was recorded in Physics laboratory, which is the lowest while a mean value of Annual Effective dose Equivalent (AEDE) of 0.171mSv/y was recorded in Biology laboratory and Chemistry laboratory with an AEDE mean value of 0.128mSv/y. On the Excess Life Cancer Risk (ELCR) mean values of the three laboratories, Physics recorded the lowest mean value of 0.326; Biology documented the highest mean value of 0.473 and Chemistry with a mean value of 0.352. The values obtained were then compared to the World Permissible Limit as given by UNSCEAR 2000. Continuous background Ionization radiation was recommended to checkmate the BIR level in the laboratories.


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How to Cite

Ogobiri, G. E., Abule, I. E., & Dauseye, K. E. (2024). Estimation of Outdoor Background Radiation Doses in Three Science Laboratories in the Niger Delta University, Bayelsa State. International Journal of Natural and Practical Sciences (IJNPS), 6(1), 83–90. Retrieved from