Nexus between Accountability, Transparency and Effective Financial Management in Nigeria’s Federating Units: A Case of Bayelsa State Government


  • Nelson Ogoja Willy Department of Accountancy, Federal Polytechnic Ekowe, Bayelsa State, Nigeria
  • Benemone E. Osadi Department of Consultancy/Business Development Unit, Bayelsa State Institute of Entrepreneurship and Vocational Training, Elebele-Yenagoa, Bayelsa State, Nigeria


Accountability, Transparency, Public financial management, Due process, Good Governance


The study examines Nexus between Accountability, Transparency and
Effective Financial Management in Nigeria’s Federating Units with
special focus on Bayelsa State Government between 2013 and 2014. The
thrust of the study is to identify and appraise the relationship and
relevance of accountability and transparency in public financial
management. A basic survey research was employed to generate data
from eighty five (85) respondents across the State civil service paradigm
using the Taro Yamani Formula. A return rate of 95% of the instruments
for data collection was recorded. Chi-square analytical tool was adopted
for testing the two hypothesis formulated for the styudt. The findings from
the study reveal that accountability and transparency are a vital and
indispensable tools for ensuring effective public financial management,
good governance and due process. Based on these , the study recommends
the need for all public servants and civil service heads and workers to
enforce accountability, transparency and due process for good
governance and effective financial management in the Nigeria’s
Federating Units.

Author Biography

Nelson Ogoja Willy, Department of Accountancy, Federal Polytechnic Ekowe, Bayelsa State, Nigeria



How to Cite

Willy, N. O., & Osadi, B. E. (2019). Nexus between Accountability, Transparency and Effective Financial Management in Nigeria’s Federating Units: A Case of Bayelsa State Government. International Journal of Finance and Management in Practice (IJFMP), 7(1), 30–40. Retrieved from


