The Role of Market Mechanism in Enhancing Human Development: A Review of Amartya Sen's Argument for Free Market


  • Kevin Shijja Kuhumba department of Philosophy and Ethics at Saint Augustine university of Tanzania
  • Kevin Shijja Kuhumba department of Philosophy and Ethics at Saint Augustine university of Tanzania


Human development, Market, Amartya Sen and Freedom


This study reviews Amartya Sen's emphasis on the role of market in enhancing human development. For Sen, human development must focus on expanding people's freedom to do and live a kind of life which is valuable for them. This study looks at how resources, utilities, income and economic entitlements expand people's capabilities. This article argues that globalized world tends to bring one essential actor which is inevitable to exclude in the process of human development. Even, Sen considers it as key players in development as freedom. This actor is market mechanism. Finally, this work argues that for effective functioning of the market there is need to strengthen civil society so as to promote social justice in the midst of market forces.

Author Biographies

Kevin Shijja Kuhumba, department of Philosophy and Ethics at Saint Augustine university of Tanzania

Christ University, Bangalore, India. Jordan University College, Morogoro, Tanzania. 

Kevin Shijja Kuhumba, department of Philosophy and Ethics at Saint Augustine university of Tanzania

Christ University, Bangalore, India. Jordan University College, Morogoro, Tanzania 




How to Cite

Kuhumba, K. S., & Kuhumba, K. S. (2017). The Role of Market Mechanism in Enhancing Human Development: A Review of Amartya Sen’s Argument for Free Market. International Journal of Finance and Management in Practice (IJFMP), 5(2), 57–67. Retrieved from


