Improving Staff Performance through Visionary and Transparent Leadership


  • D. I. Ajiboye Department of Business Administration and Management, Mai Idriss Alooma Polytechnic Geidam, Yobe State, Nigeria.
  • M. O. Anyebe Department of Arts Education, Faculty of Education, University of Jos, Pleateu State, Nigeria.
  • E. S. Adigun Department of Statistic, Mai Idriss Alooma Polytechnic Geidam, Yobe State, Nigeria.
  • H. S. Alexander Department of Mechanical Engineering, Mai Idriss Alooma Polytechnic Geidam, Yobe State, Nigeria


leadership, visionary, transparent, staff and performance


Organizational growth and development is hinged on a number of factors, vital among them are staff performance and leadership impact. This review examines how visionary and transparent leadership can influence staffperformance in a positive direction. The study whose major aim is to evaluate the relationship between visionary and transparent leadership and staff performance reveals that Visionary and Transparent leadership are therefore required to reconcile and utilize constructive abilities, views, points, attitudes and ideas in performance of group task and achievement of organizational goals in continuous and sustained ways. The study concludes that leaders establish direction by developing a vision of the future, and then align people by communicating the vision and inspiring them to overcome hurdles. Sequel to the above, the study recommends among others that leaders are to be visionary and the vision must be revealed to followers to ensure that they are carried along in the mission of the organization.




How to Cite

Ajiboye, D. I., Anyebe, M. O., Adigun, E. S., & Alexander, H. S. (2023). Improving Staff Performance through Visionary and Transparent Leadership. International Journal of Finance and Management in Practice (IJFMP), 1(1&2), 15–24. Retrieved from


