Utilization of Bagasse as Raw Material for the Production of Pulp and Paper in Nigeria


  • Ibrahim, H. Department of Chemical Engineering Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria
  • Famuyide, O. O. Federal Institute of Forestry Research Savanna Forest Research Station, Zaria, Nigeria
  • Bugaje, I. M. Department of Chemical Engineering Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria
  •  Mohammed, I. A. Department of Chemical Engineering, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria


Utilization, Nigeria, directly


This experimentation was carried out in an effort to search for raw materials to replace the present importation of long fibre pulp in Nigeria. Bagasse was macerated and the properties of its pulp were evaluated. Sample sheets of paper were produced using hand sheet method and were duly tested for tearing resistance, tensile strength and burst strength. The pulp has fairly long fibre length of 2.071mm. Its papers posses high tearing resistance of 1226.25mN and tear factor 125.00m2 but low tensile strength of 6.50Nm/g and burst strength of 57.5kPa. Therefore its paper products can be used for writing and printing applications, but not suitable for wrapping and packaging.. 

Author Biography

 Mohammed, I. A., Department of Chemical Engineering, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria




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How to Cite

H., I., O., F. O., M., B. I., & A., Mohammed,I. (2023). Utilization of Bagasse as Raw Material for the Production of Pulp and Paper in Nigeria. International Journal of Engineering and Mathematical Intelligence (IJEMI) , 2(1&2), 26–33. Retrieved from http://icidr.org.ng/index.php/Ijemi/article/view/409


