Major Factors Affecting Electricity Generation, Transmission And Distribution In Nigeria


  • Sule, A. H. Department of Electrical Enginneering Hassan Usman Katsina Polytechnic, Katsina


Power installed capacity, Transmission, Distribution, Megawatt (Mw), National Independent Power Projects (NIPP)


Electricity generation, transmission and distribution are three stages of delivering electricity to consumers. The delivery of electricity to consumers in Nigeria has multidimensional problems. This paper focused on capacity of electricity generation in Nigeria and the major factors affecting electricity generation, transmission and distribution in the country. The factors are none diversification of sources of energy used in electricity generation, poor maintenance culture, electrical power transmission line losses due to long distance between generating stations and load centers etc. Restructuring the Nigerian radial interconnected electricity generation station grid system which has National Control Centre atOshogbo and replace it with a regional interconnected grid system in order to reduce transmission line losses and improve reliability of the Nigerian grid system among others was recommended.


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How to Cite

H., S. A. (2023). Major Factors Affecting Electricity Generation, Transmission And Distribution In Nigeria . International Journal of Engineering and Mathematical Intelligence (IJEMI) , 1(1,2&3), 159–164. Retrieved from


