Non-Contributory Pension Scheme and the Welfare of the Retirees in Akwa Ibom State Civil Service, Nigeria


  • Augustine Afangide Udonsek Department of Accounting, Faculty of Business Administration, University of Uyo, Uyo, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria


Non-contributory pension scheme, welfare, retirees, Akwa Ibom State Civil Service


The government of the people is responsible for safeguarding the wellbeing of the people and is the anchor for the sustenance of demonstrable development. The main thrust of this study was to investigate the extent of non-contributory pension scheme and the welfare of the retirees in Akwa Ibom State Civil Service. The survey research design was employed. A sample of 400 respondents was selected from the population of retirees in the State using simple random sampling method. Data were gathered with a reliable and validated instrument titled “Noncontributory Pension Scheme and Retirees Welfare Questionnaire (NPSRWQ)”. The data were analysed using simple percentage, frequency count, mean scores and standard deviation. The results indicate the extent to which non-contributory pension affect the welfare of retirees in Akwa Ibom State Civil Service to be low. The implication is that the defined (non-contributory) pension scheme operating in Akwa Ibom State does not promote effective living, or provide medical care and services vis-à-vis cannot ideally provide the retirees with decent
accommodation, balance diet, good access to medical service, and cannot to a high extent provide household with good quality education as well as the payment of other utility bills. This is attributed to untimely payment of pension, unpreparedness of the retirees in early planning while in active service, and government bureaucratic policies. It is recommended that early
documentation of retirees should be conducted before the retirement. Also, government should ensure routine auditing of managers of pension fund to ensure accountability in the service.




How to Cite

Udonsek, A. A. (2020). Non-Contributory Pension Scheme and the Welfare of the Retirees in Akwa Ibom State Civil Service, Nigeria. International Journal of Economic Development Research and Investment (IJEDRI), 11(1), 26–35. Retrieved from


