The Role of Non-governmental Organisations in Rural Development: A Case Study of Christian Rural Aid Network


  • David Bentil Chief ICT Assistant, Marysons College P. O. Box AD 152, Cape Coast, Ghana


Non-governmental organisations, rural development, CRAN


This study examines some of the roles non-governmental organisations (NGOs) play in promoting rural development in Ghana using Christian Rural Aid Network (CRAN); an NGO in Cape Coast as a case study in the towns of Duakor and Abakam, Cape Coast. Simple random sampling was used to identify 188 households using their house numbers. The study identifies some of the roles CRAN is playing in rural development to include the running of micro-credit schemes, providing counseling services, helping people to establish and expand businesses, supporting education, assisting farmers and fishermen, establishing of churches and providing employment opportunities. Some of the things the community members expected from the NGO included the need to provide sanitary facilities, clinics and loans. Programme maintenance responsibilities of the activities of CRAN have also been discussed. Some challenges in the area of land acquisition and refusal to pay loans on the part of those who have benefited from the credit schemes were identified as threats to the credit schemes. In the light of the findings of this study, the activities of CRAN as an NGO are helping to promote rural development. Consequently, traditional authorities and custodians of lands in Abakam and Duakor areas should kindly make enough land available to CRAN. They should give the necessary support to CRAN to champion
development for their communities.




How to Cite

Bentil, D. (2014). The Role of Non-governmental Organisations in Rural Development: A Case Study of Christian Rural Aid Network. International Journal of Economic Development Research and Investment (IJEDRI), 5(2), 75–85. Retrieved from


