The Driving Force behind Increasing Grasshopper Frying Business in Maiduguri: Profitability or Joblessness?


  • H. A. Sharah Crop Protection Department University of Maiduguri, Maiduguri, Borno State, Nigeria.


Grasshoppers, Frying, Profitability, Joblessness, Women business


This survey was carried out in 2011 on grasshopper frying and retail selling
business in Maiduguri. The objective of the study was to find whether the business is profitable or it is undertaken as a result of lack of job in the country. Fifty copies of questionnaire were administered on a sample of fifty respondents randomly selected for the study. The questionnaire took twelve months to administer and retrieve so as to cover the period of abundance and scarcity. Retail fryers mostly widows buy their fresh hoppers from collectors in 50kg polythene bags at a mean of N7,375.00, during the periods of abundance (October to May) and scarcity (June to September) at five designated market outlets in Maiduguri Metropolis. Retail selling prices after processing was at the mean of over N500.00 kg depending on location. Bags sold per day by a retailer range 1-7 bags also depending on location and retail prices per kg measure. The average age of retail fryers range between 10-60 years, with 31- 50 years dominating. Mean daily profit per bag is 5,760.00 naira, showing high profit margin. Grasshopper outbreaks over the passed three decades, shows declining trends, indicating the effectiveness of the grasshopper business, which have reduced the number of annual outbreaks reports. It is therefore, clear from this research that high profit margin and lack of job drove these women and children, particularly educated ones into this risky business.




How to Cite

Sharah, H. A. (2012). The Driving Force behind Increasing Grasshopper Frying Business in Maiduguri: Profitability or Joblessness?. International Journal of Economic Development Research and Investment (IJEDRI), 3(2), 110–117. Retrieved from


