The Impact of Corruption on Sustainable Economic Growth and Development in Nigeria


  • H. A. Ajie Department of Economics, Faculty of Social Sciences University of Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria
  • O. E. Wokekoro Department of Economics, Faculty of Social Sciences University of Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria


Corruption, Economic Growth, Development, sustainability


The continuous outcry of the citizens on the evils of corruption and its consequences on national development motivated this study. The major objective of this study was to examine the impact of corruption on sustainable economic growth and development of Nigeria. Data were drawn chiefly from secondary sources and subjected to econometrics tool of ordinary least square techniques. The major finding among others are weak institution of government; dysfunctional legal system; lack of transparency, high poverty/unemployment rate and political interference on the operations of anti-corruption agencies constitute the major causes of systemic corruption in Nigeria. This study therefore advanced among other propositions restoration of the lost social value system through the family
unit, religion and schools; as well as entrench good governance.




How to Cite

Ajie, H. A., & Wokekoro, O. E. (2012). The Impact of Corruption on Sustainable Economic Growth and Development in Nigeria. International Journal of Economic Development Research and Investment (IJEDRI), 3(1), 91–109. Retrieved from


