Inventory Control And Management As Effective And Efficient Tools In Achieving Organisational Growth In Nigeria: A Case Study Of Eternit Limited, Sapele, Delta State


  • K. A. Egberi Department of Business Administration and Management Delta State Polytechnic, Ozoro, Nigeria
  • E. O. Egberi Delta State Institute of Continuing Education, Oleh, Nigeria


Inventory, control, Management, organization, Eternit Limited


The link between Efficient Inventory Management and Organizational Productivity and by extension Profitability was surveyed using Eternit Limited as a case in point. The study spotlighted the objectives of inventory control, characteristics of good inventory control and symptoms of poor inventory control. A well structured questionnaire was designed and used as instrument for data collection. The population of the study comprised 216 member of staff out of which 140 respondents were randomly selected. Two hypotheses were formulated. Table, Simple Percentage and Chi- Square were the statistical tools adopted for sata analysis and interpretation. The findings revealed among others that there is significant relationship between inventory control and profitability; as well as a significance relationship between inventory control and cost of production. It was therefore recommended among others that inventories should be properly
indentified and adequate storage facilities provided in addition to maintenance of proper records with regard to the units and volume of inventories.

Author Biography

E. O. Egberi, Delta State Institute of Continuing Education, Oleh, Nigeria




How to Cite

Egberi, K. A., & Egberi, E. O. (2011). Inventory Control And Management As Effective And Efficient Tools In Achieving Organisational Growth In Nigeria: A Case Study Of Eternit Limited, Sapele, Delta State. International Journal of Economic Development Research and Investment (IJEDRI), 2(2), 168–173. Retrieved from


