Use Of Maps For Evaluating The Nigeria'S Economic Potentials For Sustainable Development


  • Paul Onuche Department of Geography Benue State University, Makurdi, Nigeria
  • Terwase Shabu Department of Geography Benue State University, Makurdi, Nigeria


Atlas, Economic Resources, Non oil sector, Development


As an edifice, development is most often built on social, economic, cultural,
technological and industrial pillars. Literatures have shown that a country's
growth, over a reasonably long period of time, is ultimately determined by the accumulation of productive resources, technological progress and efficiency with which such existing stock of resources are utilized. The fact that Nigeria has abundant material and human resources is self evident. Yet the slow pace of economic development of the country is rather puzzling. Mention have not been made of how this veritable resources are been taped or recognize among other resources contributing to national and sustainable development. The paper sets out to identify how the potentials of Nigeria's Economic Atlas can be produced, to enhance vital information access for sustain development and in contributing to increased Gross National Products (GNP), Provides useful data base for resource inventory and planning, resource awareness, investor's opportunity, contribution in educational development and employment opportunities. The study observed that, planning and implementation of the plan, proper utilization of domestic policies and institution, and repositioning of non oil sector constitute the road map to sustainable development of Nigeria.




How to Cite

Onuche, P., & Shabu, T. (2011). Use Of Maps For Evaluating The Nigeria’S Economic Potentials For Sustainable Development. International Journal of Economic Development Research and Investment (IJEDRI), 2(1), 47–56. Retrieved from


